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Cars for Carers has changed


…helping those who care for others to get around…

Cars for Carers scheme has closed. However :-

Funding has been provided to PACTO from Pembrokeshire County Council as part of a package of measures to improve access to community transport services for unpaid carers in Pembrokeshire.

The funding will provide the following enhancements to the Pembrokeshire Country Cars scheme: For more information, please contact Simon Rickard on 07585 997091 or pembshub@royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk


Country Cars is usually limited to one journey per week however, Unpaid Carers will be able to access a second journey per week.

Additional journeys may also be approved in exceptional circumstances, at the Scheme Coordinator’s discretion.

N.B. This is always subject to the availability of volunteer drivers.

Where Unpaid Carers need to travel with the person that they care for on any Country Cars journey, the carer will travel free of charge. (Where the Carer is not travelling with the person that they care for, normal fares will apply).


Pembrokeshire Country Cars service does not take unaccompanied children. Young Carers can accompany the person they care for, providing that person is an adult.


To benefit from these concessions, Carers will be expected to show their Carers recognition card, as per the following examples:


RVS Country Cars for Carers

Young Carers can register for a Carers Recognition Card via Action for Children’s Young Carers Service, telephone 01437 761330

Adult Carers can register via the Pembrokeshire Carers Information and Support Service, telephone 01437 611002 or email PCISS@adferiad.org



 PACTO is also exploring opportunities to improve information for carers about transport options in Pembrokeshire, and to address Young Carers' transport issues.  


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