Car Schemes
Do you want to stay independent?
Do you find public transport very difficult?
Country Cars is designed for any Pembrokeshire resident who doesn't have access to a car and has difficulty in using public transport or lives somewhere with infrequent public transport services. Wheelchair accessible cars are available.
Click here for more information
Cars for Carers
Click here for more information
Pembrokeshire Voluntary Transport Wheelchair Accessible Cars
Do you have a wheelchair-using friend or relative, who doesn't have their own accessible car?
Would you like to take them out and about, or get them to an important family event?
We have a small fleet of wheelchair accessible cars for short term self-drive hire (from a few hours to a few days).
Click here for more information
PIVOT (Transport Home From Hospital)
PIVOT provides transport home from hospital and home-based low level support for up to six weeks for people who:
- Are at risk of admission to hospital for non medical reasons and either have no means of transport to get home and/or no family or friends to support them on their return home.
- Would benefit from low level prevention and reablement support.